In Elderberry Valley

The cozy and inviting interior of the boutique hotel, aptly named V Bezovém Údolí (In Elderberry Valley), located in Kryštofovo Údolí near Liberec, has become a home for some of our products, such as Roxor chairs by Jiří Pelcl, Cocon in sheepskin by Lucie Koldová, Spaghetti coat rack by Herrmann & Coufal, and Diamond Rack by Michal Malášek. This boutique hotel is situated in a reconstructed log cabin, which is a unique example of 17th-century rural folk architecture. It is one of only eight preserved cross-beamed cottages (with a cross-shaped floor plan) in the Czech Republic. The clean lines and bold design of our products elegantly complement the historic architecture and create an intriguing environment for a delightful hygge getaway with family or friends. Let us know when you're there and send us photos.

Kryštofovo Údolí 17
460 01 Kryštofovo Údolí
Czech Republic