Jiří Pelcl
Jiří Pelcl is highly distinguished designer with a strong international reputation, working across a number of media and materials. As a professor and former rector of the esteemed Prague Academy of Art, Architecture, and Design, the foremost institution of its kind in the Czech Republic, he has made significant contributions to the field. His work is widely known internationally and has been included into pernament design collections in many museums - MoMa New York, Aldrich Collection in Brighton, Die Neue Sammlung in Munich, and many others.
Jiří Pelcl for Master & Master
- SuperplateTray48 €
- OasisPlant standFrom 383 €
- BarrelBookshelf688 €
- CactusClothes rack314 €
- Roxor BarstoolStackable barstoolFrom 374 €
- UM StoolStackable barstool322 €
- RoxorStackable chairFrom 344 €
- ChickenCoffee table196 €
- Coffee BoyCoffee table214 €
- XshelfBookshelf227 €
- Log Side TableSide Table305 €
- Log SofaUpholstered sofa3827 €
- UM BarstoolStackable barstool327 €
- Log FootstoolUpholstered footstool653 €
- Log Lounge ChairUpholstered lounge chair2522 €